Tuesday, October 30, 2012

So They're Making More Star Wars Movies...

I'm sad to say that more Star Wars films are in the works.  The most sad thing is that this is a sad thing.  Star Wars is something that people love, but love is built on the back of movies that are 30 years old.  Nothing with the Star Wars name has been able to live up to the legacy that was created with the original trilogy, and there's no reason to expect that will change.

Sure, there have been some bright spots.  There have been some video games that have been positive parts of the Star Wars legacy.  The X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Battlefront and Knights of the Old Republic games have done well.  The bright spot, unquestionably, are the books that comprise the Thrawn Trilogy, written by Timothy Zahn.  Quite frankly, Zahn's Thrawn trilogy is the best writing in Star Wars... Anywhere.

The movies were magical because of the world(s) that Lucas created and the broad story he created.  Let's face facts, Lucas is and was a horrible director and writer of dialogue.  It's no coincidence that the best two Star Wars movies were the two he didn't direct.  Lucas only recently admitted that Empire director Irvin Kershner was right to keep Harrison Ford's famous ad lib response to Leia's profession of love.

Disney, the new owners of LucasFilm, would do well to pay whatever they need to in order to get Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford back together and adapt Zahn's works if they really are making new Star Wars movies.  That assumes they want them to be good.  If they want to settle for the same garbage Lucas churned out with Episodes I, II and II, by all means let Lucas run the show.