Monday, February 18, 2013

The Next Gen is Almost Here

On Wednesday, Sony is poised to unveil the successor to its Playstation 3 and officially kick off the next generation of video game consoles.  No, the Wii U doesn't count.  I don't care what Nintendo fans say.  I'm not saying it's a bad system.  I'm just saying Nintendo has finally caught up to the current generation of console hardware.

If Sony's track record is any indication, they will set the bar high in terms of hardware specs.  We don't know what Sony is going to unveil on Wednesday, but I can pretty much promise that once Sony lets us have a look under the hood, even the most unreasonable of Nintendo fanboys will have no choice but to acknowledge that the Wii U simply doesn't stack up in the hardware department.

The next generation is here.  Nintendo has managed to leave themselves behind for the second generation in a row, not that it stopped them from being financially successful in the last generation.  What is clear is that they are doing their own thing.  They're not playing the same game as Microsoft and Sony.  Sony has decided to lead off on Wednesday.  What we don't know is what playbook they're working off of or how Microsoft will respond.

It's been a long time since we've had new consoles unveiled.  Wednesday's event is set to kick off an exciting year of cat and mouse between Sony and Microsoft.  My hope is that no matter which company claims victory, gamers are the ones who come out on top.

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